Monday, March 3, 2008

How to read a blog

When a blogger begins blogging, he does so as a means of communicating to his readers information which he deems pertinent or informative. I blog so that the people who I don't communicate with as often as I should, have a chance to know what is going on in my life, and what is driving the decisions that I have made.

Every blogger, this blogger included, hopes to solicit a bunch of comments letting him know that people are reading, that people care about what he is posting, that this enterprise of writing these blog entries is useful to someone other than himself.

A blogger hopes to spark a conversation with others who are interested in what he has to say.

So if you find some interesting article. If you want to tell me all the reasons I am crazy for, oh I don't know, wanting to raise goats!!, add a comment. I'll respond. We can have a conversation. That is what I hope for in this blog. That's why I'm writing these things. All the people who are reading these posts are people who's opinions I value. I hope to hear more from you!!


Anonymous said...

your wish is my command - well at least today. But I am doing it as anomynous, cuz it is the fastest since I have none of the other options..But it could easily be another month before I have the chance to sit and read and respond. Then again, it will surely be worth waiting

RJ said...

After as hard of a day as I've had today, getting these comments today, made my day! Thank you for taking some of your time to write them.