Sunday, February 24, 2008

Making Maple Syrup

I have ten large sugar maple trees on the property. I am thinking of tapping them this year and making maple syrup. It's a lot of work to make maple syrup. It takes a gallons of sap to make a quart of syrup. But I think it will be fun to do. I'll let you know how it turns out.


Kelli said...

I sense a science project coming on.

Anonymous said...

It used to be such a treat for me to visit the Fritz farm at maple tree-tapping- time. Let me know when its time to visit yours! You are much closer after all.

RJ said...

Unfortuantely, work (the one that pays the bills) intevened this year and sent me out of town for week, right when I should have been tapping trees, I am going to try tapping just after Easter, but this weekend is again going to be so busy. . . ah well. The trees will be there next year too, I suppose.