Sunday, February 24, 2008


One mushy post about my wife turned into a theme on this blog. One that I was hoping to avoid. Whenever you start to talk about people you appreciate, you realize you missed someone, that someone might not take this or that the right way. This is why I try not to create a bunch of posts about family. This blog got mushy. Yuck! But I want you to know:

My Brother Jack is one of the greatest guys, with the biggest heart I know.
My Sister Carrie is someone who will always listen and never let you lie to yourself.
My Sister Becky will always stand up for you and never do anything to hurt you.
My Mom is just the greatest woman I ever knew. I don't think I can say much more.
My Grandma is the strongest and most loving woman I ever knew.

My cousins, Laura, Mike, Mikey, Jason, Anna, Chelsea and Jacob are to me what little brothers and sisters are to most other people I know. I miss them.

I could spend a whole post writing about how important each of the people are and have been in my life. I hope they know it. However, I never wanted this blog to be a mushy gushy "Gol'ley Beav, ain't we lucky" kinda thing. So this is the end of it.


Anonymous said...

Oh you HAD to throw the BEAV in there! I love that show, and watched every episode I could...I wanted to grow up to be Mrs. Cleaver...

RJ said...

Mrs. Cleaver! Mam, you were Mr AND Mrs Cleaver all rolled into one!;)