Sunday, August 17, 2008

Being Christian . . . Finding Christ

The thing I am finding most annoying about this so-called "inclusive" post-modern world is -- while everyone, it seems, is free to shout at me about what is wrong with my faith and beliefs, I am not free to respond to those charges.

It seems that people cannot stomach the fact that there may be some rational and reasonable responses to the charges they often level against my faith and religion.

I hope we can get past that some day.

better late than never :)


The chickens arrived and turned out to be a real treat for the dogs. That is, the dogs decided they liked fresh chicken and the chickens did not live very long. I've decided that chickens and dogs should probably not live on this farm together! I am still evaluating which animal should go. But I keep thinking . . . "you can't eat a dog"

I'll keep you posted.