Saturday, February 23, 2008

Three Mothers

As a kid growing up, I basically had three mothers. I realize this more and more as I see the relationships that exist in other people's families. When I talk about my mom's sisters, my aunts, there is a special relationship there. Something more than what most other people mean by "my aunt" anyway. My mom's two sisters were a part of raising me. Their kids are more like brothers and sisters to me than cousins. I was always expected to obey them as if they were my parent, I was loved by them as if I were their child. They are a big part of who I am. They helped get me through a really tough adolescence (that ended when I was like 24 . . . ) and I know they are always there if I ever need them.

Now I 'm married. As an adult I have three mothers again. I have a step-mom-in-law, a mom-in-law, and of course my own wonderful mother. It's not that my aunts are not around anymore but they are all in different places, and I am not a great nephew who writes letters or emails or calls on the phone to stay in touch. Course, I'm not a great son that way either, but that's another blog.

I am a lucky guy to have had so many wonderful women who helped me grow into a responsible adult. I hope someday I can repay them for their nurturing and love.

[I cannot let this go out without some kind of "smat***" comment, because then it just wouldn't be me]

But the more I think about it, the more I start to question if the real reason my relationships with my aunts has slowed down has more to do with the fact that three mothers are quite enough for any guy and six might just drive him crazy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay, Ross, I haven't read your blog since Feb 22nd when you first sent me the link! I read every one, and all of Kelli's and was SO moved and enjoyed them so much...Then my busy life took me away until today, when I remembered your blog, and lo and behold, it wasn't a fluke - again, I am so blown away by who you are!! So I am going to comment, because you asked for it. I treasure being one of those early mothers, although your parting comment is true - six mothers would be a bit much!