Friday, February 22, 2008

Love and Marriage

I'm a private kinda guy when it comes to my family. I don't post about them much. I don't spend too much time talking about the number of diapers I may have changed or how much my wife means to me. When I run across blogs like that, I usually . . . well . . . run. But occasionally, because it means so much to my wife whom I love, I need to spend some time telling you about her, and how I feel about her.

My wife is stubborn, proud and has a short fuse. Oh and she throws things. And let me tell you . . . those are her best qualities!

She is stubborn. Often times as stubborn as a mule!! In her devotion to our children, stubborn. In her efforts to form meaningful and lasting relationships with friends and family, stubborn. In defence of her friends and family, stubborn. In her commitment to make a happy life for all of us, stubborn. Yes my wife is stubborn. But she takes even that stubbornness and turns it into a virtue.

She is also proud. As proud as a peacock. But her pride is also a virtue. She is proud of her children and rightly so for she has done amazing things with them; proud of her many accomplishments; proud to be a stay-at-home homeschooling mother; and proud of every smile she can bring to any one's face.

Ask anyone who knows her, she does have a very short fuse. But even her temper has a touch of grace. She will not tolerate other people being treated with disrespect, even the people she doesn't like. She is contemptuous of anyone who looks down on the weak or treats the defenceless with contempt. She will not abide the haughty or the brute.

Yes I live with a stubborn proud woman with a short fuse, and I love every minute of it (I'll just have to watch out for flying objects after she reads this . . .)

1 comment:

Kelli said...

Now you have made this pregnant woman cry. Shame on you.