Friday, February 22, 2008

The evil laugh

My sons have taught thier baby sister the "evil laugh". It goes something like "Wooo ha ha." So for the last week or so I have a two year old walking around the house shouting out at various times "Woo ha ha!!"

On Tuesday moring, I got her out of bed and brought her down stairs and this child was RIPE!! So, I got a diaper and some wipes and prepared for the worst. As I opened the diaper and tried not to pass out from the "scent", I looked my sweet little daughter in the face and said:

"Rosie what have done to me, making this big stinking mess?"

Without missing a beat my two year old replies "Woo Ha Ha. Ha Ha. Ha Ha"

1 comment:

Ruthie said...

That's hilarious, Ross. I love it...aren't kids the funniest?! :)